County & Circuit Clerk
Office Location
Contact Information
Phone: | 870-425-3475 |
Fax: | 870-424-5105 |
Email: | canda.reese@baxtercountyar.gov |
Office Information
The County Clerk is the official bookkeeper of county government and serves as the clerk for the county, quorum and probate courts. The Constitution of the State of Arkansas provides for the election of the County Clerk to a four-year term of office with the requirements that he/she be a qualified elector, and a resident of the county. In the event of a vacancy in office, the quorum court fills the vacancy by appointment, the appointee serving until the next general election, when a successor is elected.
As Clerk of the County Court, the clerk has the duty of keeping a regular account between the treasurer and the county. The Clerk charges the treasurer with all monies received and credits the treasurer with all monies dispersed. In addition, the Clerk keeps an accurate account of all financial transactions within the county and files all documents, vouchers, and other papers pertaining to the settlements of any account to which the county is involved. It is the responsibility of the county clerk to prepare all checks on the treasury for monies ordered to be paid by the county court and to keep complete and accurate records of all these financial transactions ready for the court's inspection at any time.
The County Clerk shall serve, unless otherwise designated by the county ordinance, as the secretariat of the quorum court. These duties involve keeping a complete permanent record of the proceedings of the Quorum Court including minutes, ordinances, resolutions and an index to provide easy access to the information.
As Clerk to the probate court, the clerk files all instruments making them a matter of record in descendent estate cases, and swears in all witnesses in contested estates. The clerk, also in this capacity, maintains all records relative to adoptions and guardianship cases within the county.
The County Clerk also serves as the secretary of the Board of Equalizations and records the minutes of their meetings. He/she is also responsible for extending the taxes in the information provided by the assessor and the Board of Equalization.
The Clerk maintains an accurate and up-to-date voter registration list within the office and stores the ballot boxes between elections. In addition, the clerk often handles most of the administrative details of each election for the County Board of Election Commissioners that are required by ACA 7-7-301 et seq.
The Clerk issues marriage licenses, and keeps a record of all firms in the county which have incorporated.
In Baxter County the County Clerk and the Circuit Clerk positions are combined.
The Circuit Clerk is the clerk of the circuit, chancery court, and juvenile court and usually acts as the ex-officio recorder of the county. The administrative duties of the circuit clerk are to maintain a record of all proceedings of the circuit, chancery and juvenile courts and to prepare the dockets for these courts. The Circuit Clerk prepares summons, warrants, orders, judgments, and injunctions authorized by the circuit, chancery and juvenile court for delivery the county sheriff. The Circuit Clerk also maintains a file of all cases pending in either court, as well as record of all past court cases and their disposition. In addition, the Circuit Clerk acts as a secretary to the jury commission by keeping a list of all prospective jurors.
The Circuit Clerk is also the ex-officio county recorder; and is responsible for recording deeds, mortgages, liens, and surety bonds, and many other orders and instruments which involve property within the county. He/she also maintains a record of many miscellaneous items, and files certain licenses. The Circuit Clerk also swears in all notaries public and files regulations of state agencies that license trade or professional workers.
Filing & Recording Fees
Item | Fee |
Articles of Incorporation | $25.00 |
Certificate of Persons Conducting Business under an Assumed Name (DBA) | $25.00 |
Certified Copy | $5.00 |
Child Support Maintenance Fee | $3.00 per month / $36.00 annually |
Circuit Court Case Filing Fee (New) | $165.00 |
Copies | $.25 each |
Credentials (Ordination Recording) | $5.00 |
Death Certificate | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Deeds | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Seal Criminal Records | No Charge |
Marriage License | $55.00 |
Mortgages | $15.00 first page, $5 each additional page |
Mortgage Assignments, Releases, and other instruments when multiple instrument numbers are listed on a single document, an additional fee of $15.00 per instrument number listed, not to exceed $300.00 shall be charged. | |
Non-Compliance Fee (per A.C.A. 14-15-402(b)(1) | $25.00 |
Notary Bonds ( New or Renewal ) | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Power of Attorney (or Revocation of) | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Release Deeds | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Small Estates | $25.00 to file |
Surveys | $15.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page |
Judicial Sales & Foreclosures
Court Appointed Sales: The following properties are scheduled to be sold at auction by court order. All sales are open to the public and are conducted on the first floor in the courthouse lobby.
There Are No Active Sale Notices At This Time. Please Check Again At A Later Date.
The Circuit Clerk's office handles judicial foreclosures (Foreclosures in which there was a Civil case filed on the individual) and any court-appointed sale of property.
All non-judicial foreclosures (Foreclosure where there was no Civil case filed) that are sold on the courthouse steps are posted on the first floor in the courthouse lobby by the law firm handling the foreclosure.
Steps: For Purchasing Property
Step 1: Review the commissioner's sale notices. (All sales listed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)
Step 2: NOTE: ALL PROPERTY IS SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY. The Circuit Clerk's Office does not perform land searches. Interested individuals may independently search the land records for the history of the properties or hire a title and abstract company to perform this type of search. In most cases, the legal description is all that is available in the court file. Individuals interested in the physical address may independently seek this information.
Step 3: Bid in person on the listed date & time on the first floor of the Baxter County courthouse on the Mountain Home Square.